Today is not my day to be strong nor brave

Today is not my day to be strong or brave. I told Hubby yesterday when I couldn’t pull it back together at work that I honestly feel like being brave is an every other day event for me right now. Yesterday I tried to be brave and moved throughout the office building and it didn’t work out well for me. I’m back to having the door closed on the office that I share with others (they have been so understanding!!).

When I heard this today it reminded me that today is not the day to be brave. My first concert was Madonna, mom took me for my 13th birthday. It was the tassles on the boobs tour, I’m not sure what mom was thinking…NEVER would I have let Kiddo’s first concert be Madonna!!!! In fact he still hasn’t been to one because I cannot find Mr. Rogers on tour! Anyway, I’m a HUGE Madonna fan but I’ve never heard this song, or maybe it just never spoke to my heart before!

Tomorrow I will try to be brave. TOMORROW I will lean on those around me to help me be brave. Today, locked up in my office I will remain!


This post was first written on Facebook on May 30, 2019

Published by Jennifer

I’m a Wisconsin gal raising my son, with my husband, in the town I grew up. My tight knit family is close by. Challenges bring us closer.