Falling apart

Dear Friend…I cannot adequately express what you have done for me! Yesterday’s unexpected landmine rocked me, broke me apart again and not only were you available for me, you came running to sit with me and put me back together! 3 hours that you took out of you day, away from the girls, days before …

Want to help…

Truth! So thankful for those of you have done this for me!! You’ve ignored the awkward, stayed and talked…even cried with me! I will forever be grateful for you and I will never forget how you have loved me through this pain! #SheLoved #PattiLulu This post was first written on Facebook on July 1, 2019

Feels, Tears and Appreciation

Today I will not be strong…I will attempt to be brave…I will feel all the feels, I will cry all the tears and will appreciate each of you! ❤️❤️❤️Today, I will be leaning on the amazing people around me❤️❤️❤️ #SheLoved #PattiLulu This post was first written on Facebook on June 3, 2019