I’m not betting my bottom dollar…in fact, here take it!

Right now I feel like I’d like to punch Annie and her Tomorrow song! Tomorrow is a day I don’t want to come! It’s a day I wasn’t supposed to see for another at least 13 years! My mom wasn’t supposed to pass at age 67 and be the youngest female on her side to pass!! I NEVER in a million years thought I’d be motherless at the age of 45, shoot my great grandmother has only been gone for 11 1/2 years and my grandmother just 10! Women on moms side lived long lives. They were there for their daughters and their grandkids, not gone before their grandchildren graduated 8th grade!

So tomorrow…I don’t want to bet my bottom dollar that the sun will come out tomorrow! I don’t want to face tomorrow! And honestly, rain would be fitting for my mood but not mom’s life! Sunshine makes sense for her life! I just don’t want to see either!


This post was first written on Facebook on June 2, 2019

Published by Jennifer

I’m a Wisconsin gal raising my son, with my husband, in the town I grew up. My tight knit family is close by. Challenges bring us closer.