Feels, Tears and Appreciation

Today I will not be strong…I will attempt to be brave…I will feel all the feels, I will cry all the tears and will appreciate each of you! ❤️❤️❤️Today, I will be leaning on the amazing people around me❤️❤️❤️ #SheLoved #PattiLulu This post was first written on Facebook on June 3, 2019

If only for tonight, I’m choosing to find Joy in this messy journey…at least for now!

Right now, friends, I need prayers that I’m brave and strong and able to compartmentalize my brain and remember tonight! This is a night I knew was going to be a rough one for me since the school year started and here we are on our way to 8th grade graduation!! And without mom, Kiddo’s …

She Loved

This! She would have argued and said she wasn’t smart, I think she might agree with the rest though. My mother was smart but above that, she had a heart full of love, always an ear to listen and a willingness to help! Yesterday we heard the perfect words…she was AN EXCEPTIONAL human being! I …