And yet we are Thankful

As I posted on Wednesday, grief is a crazy, horrible, complicated thing! It sucks! It is hell!

And it is…so complicated and MESSY!!!!

This morning as I grieve losing mom and missing her I was also feeling excitement, be it anxious excitement! I’m also feeling sad and a bit of joy.

I had a 10:00 meeting with Marge from Stars and Stripes Honor Flight to hand over the donations that so many of you gave our family in honor of mom! We are so PROUD to say that because of you and the life that mom lived-touching so many lives- we were able to hand over money to cover the honor flight for more than 4 veterans!!! 4 VETERANS will fly to Washington DC, with all expenses paid, to see the memorials built in their honor! Memorials that bring so much emotion to just the average visitor but to a veteran tell a story! THEIR STORY! A story of heroism, a story of dedication, a story of loss, a story of honor, a story of teamwork, a story of companionship, a story of bravery, a story of sacrifice, a story of brotherhood, a story of things left unsaid, a story of life, in some cases a story of the loss of their early adulthood, a story of untold stories, and I pray a story of healing!

For me and those I love, those memorials are a story that will not be forgotten! They are a story of freedom and liberty. They are a story that will always live if we as responsible adult make sure that our youth understand the history of these memorials and lives they represent!!

Mom, we knew without question what organization you would want to support! And a might fine one it is!! I learned today that for every dollar donated that 96.4 cents go to the mission of the organization! How very impressive is that!?!?

Thank you veterans for all that you have given us! Thank you mom for the life that you lived and the love that you spread!! I am honored to be your daughter and I promise to live the remainder of my life trying to live and love just as you had! Miss you so much❣️❣️❣️ LOVE YOU even more❤️😘😇😘❤️


This post was first written on Facebook on June 28, 2019

Published by Jennifer

I’m a Wisconsin gal raising my son, with my husband, in the town I grew up. My tight knit family is close by. Challenges bring us closer.