I’d like to give my title back, PLEASE!!!

This… EVERY thing changes, EVERY THING, EVERY LITTLE THING! 💔 😞 💔

Never the same…tomorrow is 5 weeks. Life changed in 2 hours time and I will never be the same person I was 5 weeks ago tonight.

  • I want to give my title back!!
  • I want to take Kiddo to his well child/sports physical appointment and not have the doctor ask if there is a family history of heart issues or unexpected death due to a heart attack!
  • I want to not understand this article!
  • I want to use my full brain and have it fire on all cylinders!
  • I want the last I Love You to not be in the past!
  • I want the promises she made Kiddo make to happen because she is her to hold him to them!
  • I want to erase the memory of that morning!
  • I want to take the road trips we planned to take!
  • I want to see a day without tears!
  • I want to live without fear of another shoe dropping!
  • I want to experience a day without tension and worry and uneasiness or answers snapped at me!
  • I want not be worried about the survivors’ guilt of those I love most!
  • I want my mom back! Here in the flesh and blood, not walking with me as an angel!

Grief is a crazy, horrible, complicated thing! It sucks! It is hell!


This post was first written on Facebook on June 26, 2019 and inspired by “Only a Motherless Daughter Knows”

Published by Jennifer

I’m a Wisconsin gal raising my son, with my husband, in the town I grew up. My tight knit family is close by. Challenges bring us closer.