What is this all about?
That, my friends, is a large and heavy question! Let’s focus on that question from the perspective of this blog…What is this blog all about? This blog is the creative thought of a good friend who watered the seed of a thought that was sitting on my heart! Here’s the back story of how this creation began.
I lost my mom suddenly and unexpectedly on May 23, 2019 at 9:15AM. As a means to help me grieve, I have taken to Facebook to post my feelings, share my emotions and, honestly, to vent. This has become my release for the past almost 6 weeks. I had made the decision that I was going to grieve publicly. Death, grief: the emotions, the feelings, the darkness, and moving FORWARD are topics not openly discussed in the world I come from. I decided I was going to change that! I needed an outlet for EVERYTHING I’m going through and Facebook was going to be it, or so I thought 😉 I had thought about this decision to grieve publicly and what that might mean for not just me but others. Ultimately, this public journey is not about me but rather keeping my mom’s memory alive and hoping that I could help just one person! Thankfully, while using Facebook as my media, I’ve had numerous people reach out to me telling me that they are proud of me for sharing the thoughts/feelings/emotions that I’m going through or that my posts have helped them deal with a loss. And that, my friends, is how this seed on my heart started!
Fast forward to Friday, June 28, 2019…a dear, brilliant friend sends me a text that says, “Ok, so I just read your Facebook post, and it made me wonder…and please just move on and ignore this if you think I’m crazy, but have you ever thought about writing a blog, or something, anything about everything you are going through? Your words are just so powerful and heartfelt…everything you post from your encouraging words, your grief and all the successes. I just think that other people might like to hear you. Again, I have no idea if you would ever want to do that or are ready for something like that, but it was just a thought I had. You can tell me I’m crazy, it’s ok. 🙂 ” I replied with “It’s funny you say that! The thought has entered my mind…especially with all of this! I had decided I was going to grieve publicly! There is NOTHING that can prepare you for this. I don’t even think if it was an expected death! I’ve lost many people in the last 12 years that were close to me but none were my mother and this is a whole new experience!” I recognized that by grieving publicly that I put myself out there, some people may welcome this, others may shy away and read a couple posts, while others may be turned off completely. As I’ve grown and come into my own person, I’ve learned that is on them…NOT ME!
And so here we are 🙂 An Individual Journey on a Shared Path is created! Grief is a very individual experience! I’m presently relearning this! However, we are all on this same, shared path!
This will not be all doom and gloom, I promise. Yes, this is born out of the biggest heartbreak that I have ever experienced. However, this shared path we are all on is bigger than death! This shared path is life, parenthood, life, joy, life, marriage, life, daughter-hood, life, sisterhood…LIFE! If you feel so obliged, please join me on this SHARED PATH with a peek into my INDIVIDUAL JOURNEY! Hang on tight…Life really is a roller coaster best survived while hanging on to your hat!
As a starting point after this introductory post, I will be sharing the posts I made on Facebook these past almost 6 weeks. I will then pick up with “live” posts!